Sunday, October 18, 2015

Digital Literacies

Comparing the different periods will help me to explain the differentiation I have from my students because when I will start teaching, there will be such different digital literacies between us. As we are living in a technology age, we are getting to familiar with them in teaching and studying areas. I used to use technological tools which are Ted- ed , Skype, Teamvier, Prezi, Animoto and Edmodo so I will use them in the future as well because I believe that they are such a good tools to teach and they help and develop students' horizon. In addition, computer literacy needs user who knows how to recognize and find solutions to hard&software problems. Thats why Teacher should know how to use and deal with these .Also, in future, I wil be get used to use what I learnt during my education life but my students will be digital citicizens, I mean, the technology keeps changing and developing . We see that improvement are increasing eveyday . For example, screen touch cellphones came out in 21st century. In 2007, first screen touch phones were in markets. Then, tablet Pc's and smart boards were becomming common. Nowadays, every productions are developing more and more and it wil go on. I think my school will provide the necessary environment for me to fully engage my students and way of learning.  Its started to progress in terms of digital literacies because old methods and techniques are no longer useful for students . Student will need to use technology for their homework, in short, homeworks require technology. Also many of the jobs didnt exist in 2002 because of the lack of technology. Also many of the jobs which students will have, dont even exist yet. Moreover , they will use technologies that have not been invented. I think the clasroom will not be as I am being in today. Preparing children for the 21st century is not just about technology or skills for the global economy, it is about; creativity, cultural awareness, problem solving,  innovation, civic engagement, communication, productivity, collobration, accountability, exploration, initiative and leadership. As I do not find educational, I will not encourage my students to use their mobile devices in the classroom, but, I will let them to use the current technology they have in the clasroom environment. I think technologycal devices are usefull for students it facilitates their workload .If everyone use it right, it give them power and convenience . I would love to support my lessons with videos pictures etc. likewise If my students want to share their ideas or examples by using developed technological devices to support or to start any debate, I would be happier :)

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